Sunshine For Your Breast Cancer Journey
Sunshine is cheerfulness and optimism, especially in a difficult situation.
Be a ray of light! Your words can mean the world to someone else, even when you are strangers. Write a post to inspire, encourage, comfort, uplift or appreciate someone today. We bet it will make you feel good too. To comment on a post, click on its title.
Although going through cancer is a difficult journey, I have to say that more good came out of this than bad! I realized how blessed I am! I am beyond blessed to have people in my life the care so much for me and were there for me! I am blessed that this journey forced me to rediscover my purpose, redefine my perspectives, and rearrange my priorities. I am blessed that I realize everyday is a blessing and I am so thankful for each day!
"You don't know how strong you are until being strong is the only choice you have."
2nd time around – 10 years in recovery
I am a survivor twice – the first was in 2010 when my whole world twirled upside down. Weeks upon weeks of radiation and a lumpectomy later, I felt I was lucky and moved on. Only to have a second diagnosis 3 years later with the angst of losing my family, my life, my everything again. But I am a fighter – DAMMIT = and I took this head-on. A double mastectomy, tons of support from family and friends later, made me stronger. I survived that and felt it was my calling to help others when I heard they were going thru the same thing. I've helped so many women thru this journey to just be a support person when it was needed. That's why this community is so great and I'm proud to be a part of it.
So my two bits of gratitude –
1. Thankful for my 2nd chance at life; to give of myself to others and to have another day with my loved ones. 10 years has past this Summer of all my surgeries, implants and the like. CELEBRATIONS for sure.
2. Thankful for this community – I truly hope we all see that we're in this "club" together. We are here to support each other in an open forum. This has not been available before but I'm so glad it is here now.
Looking forward to engaging with you all!
Blessed to celebrate 20 years cancer free
I was diagnosed with stage IIIC Breast Cancer in January 2004, while 7 months pregnant with my second daughter (11/18+ notes, her2+,ER-PR+…although later determined to be hormone negative). Earlier in that pregnancy, I found lump in my breast but assumed it was either clogged milk duct/mastitis like I had the prior year while breastfeeding, or just pregnancy changes. I had also had benign cyst 8 years earlier in the same place. I had no risk factors or family history, so didn’t worry about it. Several months later I found a lump under my arm while shaving in the shower. I mentioned it casually to OB at my 32 week appointment, and within 2 hours had my first mammogram, sonogram, and preliminary cancer diagnosis. A biopsy confirmed in a few days later and the next three weeks were a whirlwind. The doctors wanted to induce immediately, while I wanted wait to give our daughter the best chance I could at a life without complications.
Very long story short, my daughter was delivered early, at 35 weeks, and after spending 10 days in the neonatal intensive care unit, she is a relatively “normal” college student. The day after leaving the maternity ward (and while she was still at there), I headed to a different hospital for my own surgery. It was followed by 6 months of chemotherapy, 7 weeks of daily radiation, 6 months of Herceptin infusions, and 3 years or hormonal therapy. I was blessed to not have severe side effects from treatment that plague many other cancer patients.
I was given 30-40% odds I'd see that youngest daughter enter kindergarten….and here I am, 20 years later, and I don't think about cancer very often any more. I credit God, and the blessings of a wonderful medical staff, as well as incredible support of an amazing family, the most awesome friends, helpful co-workers, and a loving church family. There is SO much hope!!
Stay in the Present
When you are diagnosed with breast cancer, you will meet with a team of doctors, each of whom will tell you what to expect, including anything that can go wrong. They are just doing their jobs, but oh my, that is overwhelming! The vast majority of these complications and side effects will not happen to you. Do listen, because you will want to catch any problems early, but then stay in the present. Try not to spend March worrying about what could go wrong in August. I told myself "That is a problem for another day" when I would catch myself starting to worry. The thing I worried most about was the drug I will be taking for 5-10 years, and I'm doing just fine on that.
I’ve Got This!!!
You received your diagnosis. It is scary and you think now what do I do??? Stay calm and start researching. Ask lots of questions. Your journey begins and say to yourself " I've Got This".
A quote that helped keep my head on straight
A favorite quote during my cancer treatment was "It's not what you look at, it's what you see." It helped me remember to focus on the positives, and there was always something positive in my day: somebody would reach out in a thoughtful way, or I would have a good laugh, or I would show progress in some way. I really feel like if you make it a priority to find the positives and honor them with your attention and gratitude, they will multiply.
You surely have family and friends who would want to do anything they can for you. Don’t let them wonder how they can help…go ahead and ask. Give them the satisfaction that comes with service, and make your own burden a little lighter. Just ask!
My cancer journey made me appreciate my friends and family even more than I already did. They showed up for me in my time of need and I will forever be grateful!
One day at a time!
The breast cancer journey has MANY steps, procedures, and milestones. Focus on ONE STEP AT A TIME and you will get through it!
Keep Going!!!
Keep the faith! You are not alone.
My motto during breast cancer was
You got this!!!
Congratulations on 10 years! You are an inspiration!! You have a wonderful attitude!!!