Sunshine For Your Breast Cancer Journey

Sunshine is cheerfulness and optimism, especially in a difficult situation.

Be a ray of light!  Your words can mean the world to someone else, even when you are strangers.  Write a post to inspire, encourage, comfort, uplift or appreciate someone today.  We bet it will make you feel good too.  To comment on a post, click on its title.

The journey . . .

I am going on 3 years of being cancer free. Not a day goes by that I don't think about my diagnosis but you have to keep going and enjoying life. I have started doing things I never did before. For the past few years I have been taking aerial silk classes and along with ballet, pilates, and yoga. All these exercise help keep me in shape as well as stretch the area where I had my lumpectomy.
Being active and talking about having cancer has helped me too. You never know who else may have experienced this journey. Getting things off your chest, no pun intended really does help.
Remember you are not alone on this journey. Reach out and talk to somebody!


    The Sis Kiss – The Hope Pink Link bracelet by Loverly Grey

    When I was diagnosed with Breast Cancer my girlfriend sent me the sweetest gift – The hope pink link bracelet by Loverly Grey. If you know anyone newly diagnosed, this is a perfect by to show your love and support. Or…. If you want to spoil yourself with a way to remember how strong you are, but this sweet bracelet for yourself! It comes with a little card explaining the reason behind the design. I wear it a lot and think of her, my journey and all the women out there in this same boat! Love!

      Things We Love: Products and Podcasts and More

      BioCorneum – you’re welcome!

      Best Scare Gel treatment on the market – Amazon! Thank you!!

        Things We Love: Products and Podcasts and More

        One year since my diagnosis

        It's been a year and I'm going strong! Thank g-d! I want others to know there is a light. Life does move on and it's beautiful. You can because you want to, move on. I always believe that life teaches us every day. As shitty as it is at times, it teaches us. It's been a year and I had a double mastectomy and have no regrets. It was the right decision for me, yes a decision. I'm on Tomoxifen for the next 5 years and it's not fun but it's the assurance of knowing my risk is substantially reduced. Do your screenings. Do your self checks. Tell others to do the same!


          A prayer that gave me strength

          “Do not look forward to what may happen tomorrow, the same everlasting Father who cares for you today will take care of you tomorrow and every day. Either He will shield you from suffering, or He will give you unfailing strength to bear it. Be at peace, then, put aside all anxious thoughts and imaginations, and say continually “The Lord is my strength and my shield, my heart has trusted in Him and I am helped. He is not only with me but in me and I in HIm.” Saint Francines De Sales


            A few great Quotes to start your day 🙂

            Don't watch the clock; do what it does. Keep going. – Sam Levenson

            Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment. – Buddha

            If you live long enough, you'll make mistakes. But if you learn from them, you'll be a better person. It's how you handle adversity, not how it affects you. The main thing is never quit, never quit, never quit.- William J. Clinton

              Quotes and Song Lyrics

              Quote by Frida

              “Nothing is absolute. Everything changes, everything moves, everything revolves, everything flies and goes away.”

                Quotes and Song Lyrics

                Isaiah 41:10

                "So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand."



                  "Vulnerability is our most accurate measurement of courage." – Brené Brown
                  "Out of your vulnerabilities will come your strength." – Sigmund Freud

                  I love these quotes because they remind me that by embracing our vulnerabilities, we are allowing ourselves to face our fears, share our stories, and support one another. In moments of vulnerability, we have the opportunity to discover our courage. Every step we take, no matter how small, reflects our resilience.

                  Between my mother and her three sisters, they have faced breast cancer five times. Now, all of them are in their 80s and cancer-free. As their daughter and niece, I am endlessly inspired by their journey. They supported each other, shared their fears, and encouraged one another to stay positive. While they felt vulnerable, I witnessed only incredible strength.

                  They taught me to embrace my vulnerabilities and draw strength from them. They taught me to believe in my own strength and keep moving forward!

                    Survivorship Stories

                    Bra Couture KC model

                    In 2023 I was honored to be chosen to walk as a survivor model in the 2024 Bra Couture KC. What an empowering experience that was! It was a celebration of survivorship and there were so many women (and 1 man) from different backgrounds and different ages all with different stories. It was a real bonding experience with people I would have never known if I wasn’t in the “cancer club”. No one wants to be in this club, but the support and friendships from this event were amazing. 🦋

                      Survivorship Stories

                      Look up at the sky

                      One day when I was feeling scared and waiting on some diagnostic news, I went outside and looked up at the sky. I remembered how when I was a young girl I would spend hours laying on the driveway or in the grass staring at the sky. I would look for shapes in the clouds, and find comfort in the expansive blue above me. That day even though I was 49 years old, I took the time to lay down on my driveway and look up. I felt like a little girl again and it felt so silly as neighbors drove by. Then my 18 year old son came outside and he sat down and said, "mom are you okay?" I said "yes — join me! look at that sky!" He laughed and then said,, "okay this is weird mom" and he joined me and stared up. After awhile as neighbors were driving by we realized how silly we looked lying on the driveway and people were kind of doing double takes, and we both started laughing. We laughed and laughed until I was crying tears of joy. I loved this moment when my 18 year old son took the time to lay next to his newly diagnosed mom and laugh with me. It was his way of showing support and it was a tiny moment that brought so much joy in this scary journey. It inspired me to look up everyday and notice the sky. It also reminded me that even in the worst situations, there are sparks of joy and silver linings. I will never forget that funny moment in time.

                      1. janedoe7 says:

                        That is so cute! I did something kind of similar. I felt so much calmer when I was in nature but we don’t really have a good place to lie down outside. We do have a little outdoor dining table, so I would just lie down on the table. I did this several days for hours at a time, napping or just looking at the sky and listening to the birds and insects. I knew that it would look really weird if my neighbors could see me but did not care one bit!

                      Words of Encouragement

                      Positive vibes

                      CHIN UP BUTTERCUP!
                      Stay strong – you’ve got this!!

                        Words of Encouragement

                        Positive changes in my mindset

                        I am braver after having cancer. Cancer was scary, so by contrast nothing else seems that scary. I also don't fret over decisions as much. I used to spend so much time deliberating even small decisions, but then when you realize that you don't know how much time you have left, you stop wasting it and just get things done!

                          Blessings in Disguise and Silver Linings

                          Be Patient. One Day At a Time.

                          Understand that each day is a blessing and focusing on the present is all that we can really do when facing the unknown with a cancer diagnosis. Give yourself grace to just be. Rest. Lean on others. Oh, and eat whatever makes you feel good! I was not thrilled about having a food train but ultimately realized it was my community also needed to show their support and my family appreciated it too. I requested a cold pressed juice train for me (suggest every 4 days or so) and it was really nice!


                            You got this!

                            Sometimes, life throws us into challenging places where it feels hard to see the way forward. Yet, it's in these moments that our inner strength begins to reveal itself. The journey through tough times can uncover resilience and hope, even when things seem uncertain. It's a reminder that even the smallest steps forward are meaningful. While the path may not always be clear, believe in the power of perseverance and the promise of brighter days ahead. Surrounding yourself with people who love you, accepting help, and focusing on the blessings in your life will make a world of difference in this journey.

                              Words of Encouragement

                              Accept Help!

                              I was diagnosed with breast cancer one month after turning 40 with four kids…the youngest only being 11-months old. Going through surgery, chemo and radiation while trying to keep life "normal" for my family seemed an impossible task. But I quickly learned that I couldn't do it all, I HAD to accept help and that my sweet friends and family WANTED to help and NEEDED to feel NEEDED – it is how they coped with everything that was going on. It was humbling and uncomfortable at times. I remember being sad that I wasn't making dinner or doing my family's laundry or driving carpool (now I look back and realize those were such gifts and giggle that I was an idiot for wanting to turn down that kind of amazing help and support). My family was so blessed by other people's kindnesses during that crazy time. Now that I am 13 years removed, we all look back on that time with sweet, loving gratitude. I am grateful I put my pride aside and accepted help, support, prayers and kindness from so many – because it wasn't just about me. Everyone benefitted. Cancer is a wild and brutal ride that certainly can leave beauty in it's wake and make everyone stronger if you accept the help. You deserve it.

                                Words of Encouragement

                                Help from Above

                                Isaiah 41:10 (NIV)

                                "So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand."



                                  My daughter and I got a tattoo on our ribs that says YOU SAY. It is the name of a song by Lauren Daigle that got us through the tough times.
                                  You can find a song that you resonate with and it helps you get through things. ❤️

                                    Survivorship Stories

                                    A quote

                                    You are braver than you believe, stronger than you think, and loved more than you know!

                                      Quotes and Song Lyrics

                                      She Let Go

                                      She let go of all the justifications for holding on. Completely, without hesitation, fear or worry, she just let go.
                                      She didn't ask anyone for advice. She didn't consult an expert our read a book on how to let go…She just let go.
                                      She let go of guilt, shame, regret…and all her memories that held her back.
                                      She let go of all the worries, the unmet expectations, all the anxiety that kept her from moving forward.
                                      She didn't promise to let so.
                                      She didn't journal about it.
                                      She didn't analyze whether she should let go.
                                      She just let go. No one was around when it happened. There was no applause or congratulations. No one thanked her or praised her. Like a leaf falling from a tree, she had just let go. There was no effort. The was no struggle. And when she did, a small smile came over her face. In the space of letting go, she had let it all be.
                                      And, in the doing, she became so much lighter and free.

                                      ––Reverend safire Rose

                                        Words of Encouragement