I was diagnosed with breast cancer one month after turning 40 with four kids…the youngest only being 11-months old. Going through surgery, chemo and radiation while trying to keep life "normal" for my family seemed an impossible task. But I quickly learned that I couldn't do it all, I HAD to accept help and that my sweet friends and family WANTED to help and NEEDED to feel NEEDED – it is how they coped with everything that was going on. It was humbling and uncomfortable at times. I remember being sad that I wasn't making dinner or doing my family's laundry or driving carpool (now I look back and realize those were such gifts and giggle that I was an idiot for wanting to turn down that kind of amazing help and support). My family was so blessed by other people's kindnesses during that crazy time. Now that I am 13 years removed, we all look back on that time with sweet, loving gratitude. I am grateful I put my pride aside and accepted help, support, prayers and kindness from so many – because it wasn't just about me. Everyone benefitted. Cancer is a wild and brutal ride that certainly can leave beauty in it's wake and make everyone stronger if you accept the help. You deserve it.