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I was in 3 trials

Joined: 9 months ago
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A clinical trial helps us (potentially) and others.  I agreed to 3 studies that were low enough risk that I felt I would not receive significant harm and would potentially benefit.  These were 2017 studies that KU was participating in and that I qualified for:

1.  Sentinel node biopsy in place of axillary node dissection.  I opted into this to lessen chances from lymphedema if spared and axillary node dissection.  Since I had 3 positive sentinel nodes (the 4 nodes closest to the tumor in the breast), I left this study.  It was important for me to have an axillary lymph node dissection.  My tumor margins weren't clear so I had to have another surgery anyway.  So for that one, no harm to me, no benefit.

2.  4 versus 6 weeks of radiation:  (please see comment by me under Treatment: radiation for more details).  I opted not to do this one as I felt the potential harm was high, though benefit could have been high as well.

3.  Increased survival following treatment for breast cancer with daily aspirin versus placebo:  I felt the risks were fairly low for me if I was in the aspirin arm of the study, but I could benefit from the answer to this question.  This study was stopped early as there was no demonstrated survival benefit with aspirin.


