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Choosing a lumpectomy over a double mastectomy

Joined: 8 months ago
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The 1st time I was diagnosed (DCIS), I remember the doctor saying we could do a lumpectomy to save the breast or to do a precautionary double mastectomy. The first thing I said was "Of course I want to save my breasts! I still want to feel like a woman". Meanwhile, my husband was scared to death of all that was happening and felt the mastectomy would be best for precaution. We argued about this and I would yell how much he'd never understand what it felt as a woman to lose something so personal to her. I went thru the lumpectomy, radiation etc and wouldn't you know, 3 years later the cancer was back and I had no choice but to do the mastectomy. Double devastation to me was what I felt after having to be told I had no choice. 

Emotionally losing a part of your body is just so hard to get over. I was deeply depressed and cried every night before I had my surgery. I got reconstructive surgery - which was a whole other not so fun adventure - but at the end of the day, I never stopped being "a woman". And my husband could have cared less if I had reconstructive surgery - he loved me for ME. 

Bottom line - we never should feel bad about the way we feel; our feelings are validated and never regret the decisions you make. Glad we're here to talk about these things! 
