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Being on the "border" can be unnerving.

Joined: 8 months ago
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One of the only things I appreciated about having breast cancer was the amount of research that has been done and the clarity of how to tackle this particular form of cancer. Because of organizations like Susan G. Komen and others, doctors have been able to know so much about this disease and the best way to attack.  However, when I met with my oncologist I discovered my scores and my age placed me "on the border" on how best to act.  This left some of the decision up to me.... that made me super uncomfortable.  I took the advice of my doctor, then asked for the advice of friends of mine who happen to practice in oncology and did my own research.  Ultimately, I prayed and gave myself time to digest how I really felt about my best plan of attack.  I weighed the pros and cons of the decisions in front of me.  I went with "my gut" and have never looked back.  The thing is..... when you are on the border, there is no "right or wrong" answer.  It is only what feels like the "right" to you.  Another person in the exact same situation may choose a different way, and that is ok too!  Trust yourself..... you are your #1 advocate.... you got this!
