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Telling my boys

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I had been sick for MONTHS, with no real diagnosis, so it was almost a relief breaking the news to my children.  We finally had answers!

My husband and I sat our three boys down (ages 8, 12 & 13) and told them the news.  We told them that I was diagnosed with breast cancer.  I had met with my treatment team at KU Med and had a general idea of what treatment would look like.  Chemotherapy, surgery, then radiation was the initial treatment plan.  If they had any questions and would like to talk to my oncologist, Dr. O'dea said we could set up a zoom meeting.  We told them I would probably not feel well and would lose my hair during chemotherapy.  The doctors were very reassuring that the type of cancer I was diagnosed with is curable.  My cancer journey was going to be an open book to them, and they would know every detail.

I would not change a thing in regards to how we told our children, they were strong, understanding and very supportive throughout my journey.
