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sharing about cancer matters

Joined: 7 months ago
Posts: 1
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On July 28, 2024, I posted for the first (and until today, the only) time on this website under the Sunshine section. I did it to encourage my friend Julie at the start of her cancer journey.  Today, I am six weeks past my own diagnosis and taking my own steps on this path. Julie forwarded that earlier post to me this morning, which I'd totally forgotten until just now.  So much has happened in the past six months, and especially the past six weeks.  Since being diagnosed, I've been reminded that words are good, but deeds are better. Julie's deeds and those of the other amazing (mostly women!) who have already rallied to support me through and post surgery, and as I prepare to embark on the next chapter (radiation and medication), have blown me away. And now, reading through the content on this website, I realize what a gift it is to our community. I'm sorry to be part of this club, but am grateful that it is here for us. Thank you, Julie, and to all who take the time to share their stories. That deed alone is an act of kindness.  
