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Tips for recovery?

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Anyone have any must have items?

Joined: 8 months ago
Posts: 14


After my mastectomy it was helpful to have an bed support system (Axelrod Orthopedic Bed Wedge... removed link )


also loose clothing and mastectomy bras (also on Amazon), and it doesn’t just to have hand sanitizer and disposable chux sheets. Tylenol, Advil too. 

I did not use the shower caddy for drains but they have them on Amazon. 
Having someone who can help with the drains is necessary. Mine came out within a month. 

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This website based in Kansas will send you a hoodie with pockets for drains.  There is also good information here:

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Posts: 40

Hi, I appreciated having button-up shirts and pajamas. I wasn't able to lift something over my head for a while. I agree with  @gwoodhood; it's important to have someone help drain the drain receptacle.

A recliner chair was helpful for sleeping, so I didn't have to move around too much. I know you can rent recliner chairs online.


My drains came out after four weeks. Sending healing thoughts to you!

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Posts: 7

I lived in a recliner for about 2 months until I could sleep comfortably and get up from a flat position in my bed. 

For showering I found that I could safety pin my drains to an old name tag lanyard or you could use a robe belt and tie it in a loop to wear around your neck. 

If you’re staying over night in the hospital it was so helpful for me to have my sister there. I forgot to tell them that morphine & me are a bad combination.. I was hallucinating and vomiting something awful. My sister helped recognize that it was the pain meds and got me switched to a different pain med. 

For constipation relief which you will have try metamucil with OJ until you get things flowing again & keep drinking plenty of water to flush out your system; maybe add in some lemons to assist that further. 

For the first few meals I liked any kind of soup. And smoothies were great too.

My doctors encouraged me to walk as well. Short distances slow pace. Movement also helps the constipation.

Schedule a physical therapy session as soon as possible. I didn’t realize how important that would be for arm/shoulder mobility. Your doctor should be able to give you an indication of when you’ll be ready for that at your first follow up. My doctor also recommended self massage of the area after the drains were out.. again something to ask about at first follow up. 

Rest, Rest and Rest. Give your body time to heal and don’t rush it. I remember getting up in the morning to say goodbye to kids and husband in the morning, taking my pain med as directed and then going back to bed or chair as it was. Don’t feel guilty if you find yourself doing this. This is what your body needs for awhile. Slow down and give yourself grace and gratitude for the amazing body you have. 

You are wonderfully made and you will conquer this! 

