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Not as big a deal as I thought

Joined: 9 months ago
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Physically, my lumpectomy surgery was not as big a deal as I was thought it would be. I was up and around the house the next day. My daughter kept saying, "Can you believe she had surgery yesterday??!" Mentally, I worried that the surgeon would find more cancer once she got in there, or that my margins wouldn't be clear and I would have to have another surgery, but thankfully that all turned out fine. My breast looked pretty normal afterwards, except that there was some residual blue dye from the sentinel lymph node mapping. The dime-sized blue spot stayed for a few months but then went away. Before going through a lumpectomy, I thought that having a 3 cm mass removed meant that there would be a chunk missing from my breast after surgery--imagine taking a bite from an apple--but it was more like taking a bite out of a bowl of oatmeal and then smoothing the oatmeal back into place. Weird analogy, but I hope that helps.
