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Not that bad!

Joined: 4 months ago
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I was so worried about going on a hormone blocker, but it's really not bad. I had been taking progesterone and estrogen for a few years when I was diagnosed with hormone receptor-positive breast cancer, so I had to stop them. I got used to that pretty quickly but was still very worried about taking a hormone blocker (anastrozole) for 5-10 years. I really do feel quite normal. I have woken up hot in the night a few times but honestly am doing just fine, and this is the thing I was the most worried about. 

Joined: 4 months ago
Posts: 36

That’s good to hear you haven’t had too many side effects.  My doctor is considering switching me to anastrozole from tamoxifen so I am glad to hear the side effects have been minimal for you.

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Yes, and as a matter of fact, I read back over what I wrote and had forgotten about waking up hot in the night a few times because it never happened again. 

Joined: 4 months ago
Posts: 36

That’s good to hear.
