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Urinary tract infections

Joined: 7 months ago
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I have had it up to here with urinary tract infections! I couldn't understand why I was getting them until I was talking to another survivor who had the same problem and she said it was caused by hormone therapy. She said using a vaginal moisturizer helps so I am trying that, but I am using the same one she uses and I just got another infection. Gah.. I don't remember to use it every night so I will try to do better.

Joined: 7 months ago
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Here is a follow up. I saw my gynecologist this week and she gave me some choices for preventing urinary tract infections. One choice was an estrogen cream. She said estrogen cream is considered safe for people who have had breast cancer. Another choice was to take one antibiotic pill each time my husband and I have sex. The third choice was to take a probiotic, and I like that choice best. I should be doing that anyway so that seems like a good place to start. The doctor didn't recommend a particular one so I just ordered something called Uqora that I see commercials for. 
