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Balance the risks and benefits of hormone replacement therapy

Joined: 4 months ago
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I am considered at high risk for breast cancer due to the significant number of relatives, including my mother, who have been diagnosed with and survived the disease. When I was younger, I took birth control pills, not only to prevent pregnancy, but to manage my hormones, which were out of control. Over time, my hormones stabilized. However, when I reached menopause, many of the unpleasant symptoms I experienced in my teens returned with full force, including anxiety, bloating, headaches, trouble sleeping, and, of course, hot flashes.

My doctor, Sharla Shipman, informed me that recent studies have shown that the link between hormones and breast cancer is more complex than previously thought, with many other factors to consider. After careful discussion, we determined that my risks were minimal and that it would be safe for me to use hormone therapy. I have been using Tri-estrogen (Tri-est), a compounded bioidentical hormone preparation that includes a mixture of estriol, estrone, and estradiol. Since starting this treatment, I feel like myself again and no longer experience menopausal symptoms.

I make sure to have regular mammograms, perform self-breast exams, and undergo breast MRIs and ultrasounds.  I am enjoying the benefits of feeling balanced!

Joined: 5 months ago
Posts: 6

For what it's worth, I did some DNA testing that revealed that my body does not detox estrogen well. You may want to look into that. After a full hysterectomy, doctors put me on an estrogen patch. Four years later I was diagnosed with breast cancer. I'm not trying to scare you, but it's something to think about.  Here is the place where I did my testing: SNIP Nutrigenomics.

This post was modified 3 weeks ago by KCSP4
