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Community is important

Joined: 7 months ago
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When my mom got diagnosed with breast cancer it was the hardest thing for me to hear. The woman I look up to, my best friend, my hero, my mom, and hearing that she was sick was heart shattering. The C word, cancer, is a scary word because you always think of the  worse case scenario, not knowing what the future will look like. I had a difficult time right after hearing about my mom’s diagnose, and a really hard time watching her become sick. But, the support we had in our community was amazing, between my friends, teammates, teachers, coaches, and family members we had support every step of the way. My mom is so strong and faced cancer with faith in the Lord. She had built a community around her that supported her and supported her through Christ. I am forever thankful for the love we received from the community that surrounded us during that difficult time. 
