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Dr. William Freund at KU, Surgicenter at KUMW off Midland.

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Dr. Freund placed port for chemo and ultimately removed it after I was done (and they were confident I didn't need it any longer)!  He did a great job and I had no issues or concerns with the port.  

I don't remember her name, but I very much remember the kindness of my anesthesiologist when she talked to me before my port placement.  She was one of those kind souls along the way with the gift of encouragement.  I remember her telling me she was a breast cancer survivor and, though I don't remember her exact words, I do remember the comfort she brought me.  I was so thankful she shared that with me! 

There were many of these people on my care team (with this incredible gift of comfort and encouragement) along the way!  I would ask you, when you are ready and able, to share your diagnosis with others-

1. We have a connection in this "breast cancer club", you likely had some of the same thoughts and fears, and

2. You are an example of strength and evidence that we will get through this!
