The Breast Cancer Clubhouse

A clubhouse is a common space where members of a club gather and socialize.

Directions: This is an informal space, a multipurpose room to be used as you like. Introduce yourself and tell us your story! Ask a question! Tell us what’s on your mind! As always, you may withhold your real name and other identifying details to protect your privacy. To write a post, click on “Start a New Post.” To reply to someone else’s post, click on its title.

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Physical therapy after treatment

Joined: 9 months ago
Posts: 4
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Many breast cancer therapies can cause scarring, fibrosis, or musculoskeletal issues that require physical therapy. This is typically started with the physical therapist. As a partner, you can do these therapies at home. This provided needed post treatment therapy for my wife that was appreciated and brought us closer together. I highly recommend you learn such techniques to provide help and support. My wife videotaped her last session and we were able to continue doing the therapy at home.
