The Breast Cancer Clubhouse

A clubhouse is a common space where members of a club gather and socialize.

Directions: This is an informal space, a multipurpose room to be used as you like. Introduce yourself and tell us your story! Ask a question! Tell us what’s on your mind! As always, you may withhold your real name and other identifying details to protect your privacy. To write a post, click on “Start a New Post.” To reply to someone else’s post, click on its title.

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Anyone else stopped drinking...or want to?

Joined: 10 months ago
Posts: 67
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I stopped drinking entirely about two years ago after cutting back over about six months. I don't miss alcohol and I feel much better without it, but sometimes I do feel left out when everyone else is drinking. I think I have just as much fun as people who are drinking, but it does set me apart. For a little while I played along by ordering fancy non-alcoholic cocktails when we would go out, but I've stopped. They are practically as expensive as alcoholic drinks and they don't taste that great. I feel better and I look better since stopping alcohol. My skin is better. My gut is better. My weight is easier to control. My sleep is improved, and I pop out of bed in the morning. And since I know that alcohol use raises the risk of breast cancer, staying away from it is even easier. If anyone else is on this journey, I'm happy to support!
