The Breast Cancer Clubhouse

A clubhouse is a common space where members of a club gather and socialize.

Directions: This is an informal space, a multipurpose room to be used as you like. Introduce yourself and tell us your story! Ask a question! Tell us what’s on your mind! As always, you may withhold your real name and other identifying details to protect your privacy. To write a post, click on “Start a New Post.” To reply to someone else’s post, click on its title.

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Found at routine mammogram

Joined: 9 months ago
Posts: 40
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In late January 2022 I went for my routine mammogram at Menorah Medical Center. A week later I was called back for an ultrasound.  Then I was called back for a biopsy another week later. On Feb 11, 2022 I got the dreaded call from my doctor that I had invasive ductal carcinoma. Two and a half weeks later I was having a chemo port surgically put in and a week later started 6 rounds of chemotherapy. What a whirlwind.  My oncologist requested an MRI of the breasts after my initial diagnosis and discovered the tumor was much larger than the mammogram had shown. The MRI also showed I had DCIS breast cancer tissue next to the tumor.  I was able to get both removed with a lumpectomy after my chemotherapy and then had 3 weeks of radiation.   It’s now 2 years from diagnosis and I’m cancer free!
