The Breast Cancer Clubhouse

A clubhouse is a common space where members of a club gather and socialize.

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Fear is always in the back of my mind

Joined: 10 months ago
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Hi all, I had my annual ultrasound this morning. After 11 years, you'd think I'd feel more comfortable with the process. The people are always friendly and encouraging, but the 5 - 10 minutes waiting for the tech to return after the initial reading seems to take forever. Thankfully, the reading went well, and I can breathe easily for another year. 😊 

What helped me get through the waiting period? Nice music on my phone, some deep breathing, and positive thoughts. Let me know if I can support you through this process!

Joined: 3 months ago
Posts: 13

Many people have what they feel is more "beatable" than what I had.  I had a kind that had no real treatment at the first diagnosis.  I ended up at KU where Dr Jewell gave me hope with a "new" approach to ones with no known treatment.  At worst he figured I would get an extra 3 months.  We had not a clue what "at best" would be.  Thanking God it was still encapsulated and surgery was able to take it all.  However, it was a kind known for recurrence.  So we did extensive radiation since I had similar looking "good spots".  Every check up (which were many!) brought some anxiety until I did a mind re-set.  My mom died of a different form of breast cancer at age 53.  Her mom had died of what they now believe was ovarian cancer.  Found out I have a genetic form from them.  My sister who is brown hair, darker tone skin, thicker build inherited the osteoporosis form.  While I, who am feather weight, was a blondie, blue eyed, and thin frame.  All this doesn't fit the standard beliefs.  In looking at it all I realized God protected and kept me hear for a reason...  I didn't figure it was for me.  I had 4 young kids, a husband that was dedicated to a medical job important to him.  I asked for enough time to see the last kid graduate from high school.  HE did more than that...have seen them all graduate college, get married, and some grand kids.  But HE had more plans for me than that.  I got involved with the American Cancer Society (still doing visits for them), then helped organize the KC group for Young Survival Coalition, and participated in some Komen walks and am still the Miami County (Ks) breast cancer contact person.  Through all this I visited with LOTS of women, their children, AND men.  I learned that all my intentions of a career in accounting wasn't where HE had me headed.  I found I actually could do support for some one needing it... And I enjoy helping.  It's my way of feeling my road has not been just for me, but very helpful to others.  I put my contact out where ever because I understand that need at 2am when you feel life is crashing down on you or someone who knows they are walking the last segment of life for them or helping their husband, kids or family participate in positive ways for them.   I keep praying they find a better way to "prevent" cancer.  But until then, I am happy to be support to anyone and their family who are dealing with a positive diagnosis or those who are scared of one.  Please keep in mind there are LOTS of supportive people here to help.  Just reach out!!  If not me, I can help you find what fits for you at this time.  913-206-4518

Joined: 10 months ago
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@buttercup Thank you for your beautiful words of encouragement. I love this site, which has allowed us to support each other. Have a wonderful day! 😊
