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Revamped My Lifestyle

Joined: 5 months ago
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After I was diagnosed with DCIS, I started working with a health coach who guided me toward better lifestyle practices. I reduced my consumption of processed foods and started eating organic produce. I began to work out consistently and find healthier ways to reduce my stress. Getting enough sleep became a huge priority. I hit my 11 year cancer free mark yesterday and I continue to work in each of these areas to reduce my risk of reoccurance.

Joined: 4 months ago
Posts: 36

That is great info and advice.  I too have reduced processed foods and exercise and work on reducing stress.  I believe all these things contribute to a healthier lifestyle and longer life for everyone!

Joined: 5 months ago
Posts: 23
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Thank you. I agree! Food manufacturers don't care about our health. We need to take good health into our own hands.
